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Jornal do Agrupamento > Artigos > My Perfect Day
Novembro 21
My Perfect Day

Would you like to know about my students’ Perfect Day?
Professora Glória Magalhães
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Saturday. It starts at half past nine. I like going to the horse club and having lunch in a very good restaurant. After that I like watching a scary movie with my sister.
Mª Vitória Gaspar, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Saturday. It starts at nine o’clock. I like watching TV and playing computer games with my sister. After that I like going to the scouts meeting.
Madalena Carvalho, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Saturday. It starts at eight o’clock. I like playing football and watching TV with my brother. After that I like riding my bike with my cousin.
Tiago Sequeira, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Saturday. It starts at eight o’clock. I like cycling and running with my brothers. After that I like going to the cinema.
João Francisco Sá, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Sunday. It starts at eight o’clock. I like shopping and playing hockey with my friends. After that I like visiting friends.
Simão Monteiro, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Sunday. It starts at nine o’clock. I like playing basketball and playing football with my cousin. After that I like playing on my PlayStation.
Leonardo Maio, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Saturday. It starts at ten o’clock. I like playing computer games and playing handball with my friends. After that I like watching TV.
André Lima, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Wednesday. It starts at seven o’clock. I like dancing and listening to music with my best friend. After that I like reading a book.
Mª João Neto, 6º B
My Perfect Day
My perfect day is on Saturday. It starts at nine o’clock. I like playing football and playing with my friends. After that I like playing computer games.
Tiago Rebelo, 6º B



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