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Jornal do Agrupamento > Artigos > Medical aid is needed
Maio 20
Medical aid is needed

The news about the crisis of Ebola of last year called attention to the dramatic situation in which people from the third world are living in. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an emerging zoonotic viral disease that historically has occurred in rural areas of Central Africa as far back as 1976.

In 2011 it was said that Ebola wouldn’t become a threat to the population but it rapidly spread all over West Africa, striking the poorest areas of today’s world and killing hundreds of citizens. 
Now, we can be asking ourselves, why now and why Africa? Massive indirect effects on already weakened public services have occurred, including significant crippling of the health sector, which has increased the impacts of all diseases. Furthermore, war, population growth and poverty, among other social conditions in the outbreak region have likely contributed to this unprecedented expanse.
With this growth of people infected by the virus, European member states started to concern about the possibility of it getting closer or even affecting European citizens.
The problem escalated when two Europeans caught the disease and alarm every country; this situation could be called a paradox as “every human is born equal”; so why is one European life more appreciated than thousands of lives of the third world?
When it stroke the European Union, the international committee started mobilizing millions to stop this epidemic, sending professionals and medical products as African countries don’t have the facilities or the techniques necessary for the treatment or for the continence of the virus.
The help ( social, economical and political) given by developed countries to developing ones has a serious impact on the lives of it’s population so why do only five countries of the United Nations reached the goal of the percentage of international aid established in 1970?
Our world is getting smaller and smaller due to globalization, and like in every small community, people have to rely on each other in order to achieve a life with dignity. So, what can the EU do to strengthen health systems in developing countries to prevent future crises?
Francisca Patrício​


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