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Jornal do Agrupamento > Artigos > Multiculturalidade na ESJE
Março 01
Multiculturalidade na ESJE

​No âmbito da abordagem do tema "Um mundo de muitas culturas", na disciplina de Inglês, os alunos do 11.ºC foram convidados a refletir sobre a temática da diversidade cultural na Escola.

O texto que se segue resulta dessa reflexão por parte de um dos grupos de trabalho.

José Estêvão students : Free to learn culture
Regardless of the school you attend, you may come across people of different origins, races and cultures but often you do not know much about them and the reason why it is so important to study in a multicultural school.
Among all high schools in Aveiro, Escola Secundária José Estevão is featured for having not only a lot of nationalities but also for having students with unique fashion styles and beliefs. From Italian, to Chinese, Korean and Ukrainian, to emo, classic, preppy and nerdy styles, to atheist, catholic, orthodox and all in between.
We believe multicultural education is an idea, an approach to school reform, and a movement for equity, social justice, and democracy. «The way you see things depends on your own cultural background», repeats to her students Mrs. Isabel Nolasco, English teacher at Escola Secundária José Estêvão.   
Given this perspective, multicultural education seeks not only to ensure students acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function in an ethnically and racially diverse nation and world but also to facilitate their participation as critical and reflective citizens in an inclusive national civic culture. Therefore, the more cultures you stumble upon, the more points of view you develop and consequently the more prepared you are to have a critical and broad-minded opinion. Also, multicultural education reduces prejudice and helps students to develop positive and democratic attitudes towards the Other.  In fact, tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where people are becoming more and more closely interconnected. 
In conclusion, it is clear that multiculturalism is a social condition that is very visible in school classrooms these days. Cultural diversity in schools can be an opportunity to educate children in the harmony of cultures which is perceived as the culture of tolerance and peace. After all, if our world is a mixture of various people with diverse and unique ideas, creed, races and individuality, then a school is no more than a small world.

Iny oung Jang, João Andrade, João Pedro Peralta, Luísa Gaspar


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