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Jornal do Agrupamento > Artigos > ​The 6th D class enjoyed the English lessons
Junho 06
​The 6th D class enjoyed the English lessons
We loved to cook the muffins and scones and also when a teacher came to our class and we learned some words in German. We would like to repeat the experience of making muffins and scones.

The things we most wanted in the lessons were the listening exercises and the songs on the book.

Our teacher is nice, explains very well the things and she´s rigorous, but funny.

The bad things were when the class was too noisy, but it happened few times.

Our suggestions for next year are: going outside once a term to make funny activities and play.


Gonçalo Machado, David Marques, João Pedro Tavares, Rúben Lousada - 6ºD


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